As we all are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken to contain the virus has redefined daily lifestyle in significant manner. Public health recommendations have directly impacted food availability, normal daily activities, access to recreational public setting, social activities, educational activities and work. The cultural heritage sector could also not remain immune from this adversity; from simple religious activity of going to a nearby temple to national festivals and Jatras, are all affected.
In context of this scenario, SONA Committee for Social Responsibility had organized a webinar on June 5, 2021 on topic ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage in the time of COVID-19’, by Dr. Monalisa Maharjan, a team member of the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Cultural Heritage and traditional know how (Portugal). The moderator for the webinar was Ar. Alina Tamrakar. Dr. Maharjan’s mentioned that Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is comparatively new in context of heritage conservation, however the interlinked character of tangible and intangible heritage with social life of people contribute as the major conservation facet in its continuity.
Dr. Maharjan validated her observations and argument with examples of festivals like Pachare / Ghode jatra, Machindranath, Karunamaya (Rato Machindranath) chariot during the period of pandemic. She further insisted that even in the time of pandemic, people continue their traditional practices, rituals and festivities in their own way, further confirming that ICH is not just for celebration, tourism but it’s interwoven in the social fabric and it also helps to build resilience within the community.