“Age should not be a barrier to achieve suceess.“
The First Elected president of (After the ad-hoc president Ar. Gangadhar Bhatta Haleba) Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA) Dr. Sriram Bhagut Mathe, retired Professor of Architecture and former Dean of Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University (TU), is currently the Chairperson of Xavier Academy (XA) and Kathmandu Don Bosco College. Dr. Mathe is the founder Chairperson of Xavier Academy, the first principal of St. Xavier’s College in Nepal and former Campus Chief (Assistant Dean) of Pulchowk Campus of IOE, TU.
He has been continously contributing in the sector of education and development for more than 46 years in and outside of Nepal through various national and international agencies as World Bank, Asian Development Bank. He is currently working in Cambodia as the International Team Leader of a project financed by Asian Development Project. He has also worked as an international consultant in a number of South East Asian countries and Eastern African countries. In Cambodia, he has been instrumental in initiating a number of far-reaching reforms primarily in the Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), working closely with Ministry of Labour and Vocational Trainings. He’s recognized with two prestigious medals for friendship and cooperation by the Government of Cambodia for his significant contribution in TVET.
He also initiated the introduction of master’s class in Pulchowk. Being a multidisciplinary personality, he has made excellent involvements in organisations like NEA, Rotary club, etc. Starting his day with morning exercise then working all day to end it with quality time with his granddaughter, he claims he’ll get old soon if he doesn’t work. Dr. Mathe recalls his old days of being a workaholic person and an ambitious youth, an avid reader reading a book once a week.
Highly disciplined and dedicated man, Dr. Mathe has led all the organization to its pinnacle through his perseverance, time management and knowledge. However, Dr. Mathe is aptly aware about the crucial time for family as he states “Work at the expense of your family is inanity and hence we need to balance work and life by being able to prioritize.”.When asked for few advices to youths out there Dr. Mathe shares, “No matter what you do you need to excel and give your best shot only then you find happiness and succeed. Do it with commitment and passion. Make sure you do not trade other people’s sentiments along the way and make this world a better place. There’s always something knocking at your door and when it comes you need to grab it. Stay vigilant, when one door closes the other opens.”
Dr. Sriram Bhagut Mathe, pioneer of architecture community and towering figure in the sector of education has always been the guardian of architecture fraternity and Society of Nepalese Architects.